Hello everyone! My name is Dalton Arnold and I am a senior in the Bachelor of Health Science program on the pre-nursing track from Sarasota, Florida. I will be applying to the accelerated BSN program here at the University of Florida this upcoming fall. I ultimately have one goal in mind, becoming a Nurse Practitioner (ARNP).
I have a drive and passion for the quality of patient-centered care. Throughout my time at UF, I have become eager to make a strong impact on the career field I am most passionate about. The College of Public Health and Health Professions has suited me perfectly to take on any healthcare centered desire I have in life. Most importantly, this program has taught me the ups and downs to our nation’s healthcare system and how we, future health professionals, can take drastic steps toward improvement.
I always viewed myself as becoming a health professional, although, I didn’t “know” until I faced a very traumatic family emergency. Five years ago, my grandma and grandpa were doing what they loved, exploring car shows. Little did they know, that day was going to change their lives forever. My grandmother tripped over a parking curb and fell. She immediately knew that something was horribly wrong. After being taken to the hospital and receiving her x-rays, she was notified that her C-5, C-6, and C-7 were broken and that she was paralyzed from the chest down. My grandmother was always a fighter, no matter the situation, she would never give up. I knew that she was going to do anything in her power to regain mobility. My grandmother fought for 4 years, she poured everything into her recovery just to remain sane and be with her family. Unfortunately, she passed away a year ago. I loved her so much and passionately hated to see her and my grandfather struggle. Although, her process lit a fire inside of me to do what I was put on earth to do. I was able to see the type of healthcare professionals we have in our world. I now was inspired to become a health professional my grandmother would look up to. I knew at this moment what I was meant to do.
Stepping away from my career goals, I want to tell you all about my passion for traveling. I work hard throughout the year to spoil myself and explore the states. My passion for traveling didn’t holster itself until I took my very first trip to New York City. After this trip, I immediately knew I had to go back. I am thankful to say my girlfriend shares the same passion. She and I have had the opportunity to travel to Chicago, Costa Rica, and the Bahamas.
Not only am I very involved with my studies, I am also a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon. I knew coming to UF I wanted to take advantage of every opportunity, which included joining a fraternity. I joined SigEp in the fall of 2018. SigEp has provided me with many talents, experiences, and most importantly, brothers. I immediately got involved in our recruitment committee with goals of ensuring SigEp’s new members embodied every moral we live up to. I then was granted an opportunity to be the Balanced Man Scholarship Chairman. This meant that I was to design a scholarship that awarded three $1,000 scholarships to male students at the University of Florida. Through my hard work and dedication, I received 150 applicants. Taking charge and conducting that many interviews took a lot of willpower. I had to remain fair to each individual and reward three of them for being the most balanced men on the University of Florida campus. My requirements of chairman didn’t stop there. I was also required to host an award ceremony of nearly 200 people for each of the winners. Public speaking was always one of my greatest fears. I embraced this opportunity as a learning moment. I hosted the banquet at the Gainesville Country Club and it was a complete success. My fraternity is something I will always remember. They supported me through the ups and downs, making sure I got the job done. Sigma Phi Epsilon impacted my experience at the University of Florida in such a positive way.
I will continue to spend my time in Gainesville next year working as a medical assistant. I will always be a part of the Gator Nation. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions: daltonarnold@ufl.edu
As always, Go Gators!